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How do I know if the noise level is dangerous?


You must raise your voice to be heard.


You can’t hear someone 3 feet away from you.


Speech around you sounds muffled or dull after you leave the noisy area.


You have pain or ringing in your ears (called ‘tinnitus’) after exposure to noise.


Harmful sounds are too loud and last too long or are very loud and sudden.

How can you protect yourself?


Turn down the sound.


Walk away from loud noise.


Wear hearing protection.

Is the second largest environmental cause of health problems, just after the impact of air quality according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Leads to hearing loss, sleep disruption and cardiovascular disease.

Increases the frequency of antisocial behavior. 

Results in social handicaps, reduced productivity, impaired teaching and learning and absenteeism.

Causes increased drug use and accidents.

Impairs the ability to enjoy one’s property and leisure time.

Adversely affects future generations by degrading residential, social and learning environments with corresponding economic losses.  

Excessive Noise Facts

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